Firework Safety For Pets

Summer is finally here! With the beautiful weather and long weekends upon us, so are the fireworks. As beautiful as they are, our pets can be fearful of these loud sounds and lights in the sky. It’s up to us as pet owners to make sure they feel safe, relaxed, and comfortable during firework season.

Dogs have incredible hearing! According to Stanley Coren, Ph.D. dogs can hear a hundred times better than humans and are also capable of hearing sounds as far as a quarter-mile or more in distance. This is much further away than the human ear can hear. Therefore, when dogs show a fearful reaction to fireworks, it completely makes sense.

As pet lovers ourselves, we have organized a list of 7 Firework Safety tips that can help your furry friends through an evening of fireworks. 

1. Stay Indoors

If staying indoors is an option during fireworks, keep your pet safe and calm by securing all the doors and windows of your home. This ensures your pet is safe inside and reduces the risk of running away out of fear. This also helps limit the amount of sound coming into your house from the fireworks outside. If the fireworks are close by, put on the television or radio to drown out the noise, this can be very beneficial for sensitive dogs. 

2. Distract your pet

Distraction can be achieved with some of your pet’s favorite activities or treats. Some activity ideas could be fetch, puzzle toys, chew toys, a long-lasting treat, or searching for hidden treats. While your pet focuses its mind on an activity, it may soon forget the fireworks are happening. Supervision, while your pet is enjoying these options, is always strongly encouraged. 

3. Microchip

Microchipping is another wonderful option for pet owners with runners on their hands. Microchipping allows you to input all of your information such as an address, phone number, age, breed, and your pet’s veterinary clinic, etc. When your pet is found, it can be scanned at any veterinary clinic or humane society with a microchip scanner. This is a very reliable way to get your four-legged friend back home safe and sound! 

4. Create a safe space

Create a safe space for your pet to escape to. A safe space can help your pet feel calm and protected. It is an excellent way to help keep your pet relaxed as well. Ideas for a safe space could be your dog’s crate, a room where family members are gathered, or a quiet space alone like a bedroom. To make this area more ideal you could add your pet’s bed, favorite blanket, or a worn article of your clothing. An owner’s scent can be reassuring in times of stress. 

5. Pheromones

Another option for pet owners that is gaining popularity is the use of pheromones. Pheromones can be an effective way to reduce stress or anxiety in your pet and can be used anywhere your pet goes. There are many brands to choose from and they can come in different forms such as diffusers, collars, or sprays. These pheromones can help provide your pet with a feeling of safety and comfort. Although pheromones can be used for both cats and dogs, they are specific to each pet.  Please consult with your veterinarian about using the correct pheromones for your pet.

6. Identification

Ensuring your pet has its collar and tags on is very important during fireworks, or any event that could make your pet act out of character. Nobody wants to think about their loveable pet running away, however, animals naturally have a flight response to things that frighten them. A descriptive, informative tag attached to a fun, colorful collar is a fantastic way to help locate your pet and bring them home quickly!

7. Positive Training

The last tip we can provide you and your pet is to try your best to treat this as a positive training opportunity. Encourage your pet to ignore the fireworks, demonstrating that they are not something to fear. This association will teach them to understand they are not in harm’s way. By remaining calm, your pet will notice that you aren’t scared and fireworks are normal. Eventually, with lots of practice and positive reinforcement, your companion will be able to sit by your side during any firework event! Providing pets with the training or information they need to feel safe is the best we can do for them. 

Fireworks can be big, loud, and scary but it doesn’t have to stay this way. Give some of these tips a try and help your dog feel more comfortable and safe during the upcoming holidays this summer! We would also like to wish our fellow Canadians, as well as our American friends a happy and safe long weekend!