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Wall of Hope
Aug 6, 2024
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Halfway Home K9 Rescue

"It was clear that Billy was in a lot of pain and he was rushed to a local vet..."

Billy Joe came to Halfway Home K9 Rescue after a community member noticed a young puppy being abused by children. It was reported to authorities and the local police immediately brought Billy to the shelter.

Unfortunately, his abuse has lead to injuries in both of his front legs. Halfway Home K9 Rescue rescued Billy and organized his transport across Ontario, Canada to where he was welcomed by a wonderful foster family committed to giving him the best care!

Upon arrival it was clear that Billy was in a lot of pain and he was taken to the local vet to receive x-rays and pain meds. Both of his front legs were fractured and he was walking on them for at least 3 days.

Thankfully he didn’t need a surgery, but Billy had to wear casts on both legs and they have to be changed every two weeks. 

Following this treatment, Billy will receive physiotherapy and water therapy to help him rebuild the lost muscle strength. There is no reason why Billy can’t live a normal, active life once he heals and finds his forever home!

"Billy is told he is a good boy!"

Through his treatment, Billy remains in full spirits and energy. Sadly, the casts have caused pressure sores on his legs, which means the casts have been temporarily removed and Billy is put on extreme crate rest.

The infections are too severe to ignore. Currently, Billy takes some sedatives to help him weather the week long crate rest and keep him off his fractured legs. If all goes well, he will return to casting for an addition 2-4 weeks to make sure he is strong and healthy!

After that, Billy will begin his physiotherapy, including water therapy. Additional funds will be put towards purchasing a pool for Billy and some enrichment toys to help him through the crate rest.

Billy is very cuddly and motivated. Every morning he is up by 8 o’clock and is very excited for breakfast. He even plays with his foster sister, as much as his foster mom allows. He is told he is a good boy and is doing well with training. Even though he can’t go for walks yet, he really enjoys long rides in the wagon! 

Because of the generous support of TagsforHope customers like you, Billy has a bright future ahead. He can’t wait to heal and play for hours on end and find his forever, loving home!
