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Wall of Hope
Apr 18, 2024
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Snuggle Bug
Saved by
New Hope Dog Rescue

"That little black and white shaggy thing - her name is Bingo"

In early February, one of the frontline rescues that New Hope is partnered with, was contacted by dog owners who had two dogs that they were not letting into the house for the winter. And the weather was once again getting very, very cold.

The funny thing was, on the photo, it was almost impossible to see that second dog. There was a beautiful young Golden pup and a shaggy black and white thing that you could barely make out because it was curled up so tight against the pup, looking for warmth.

That little black and white shaggy thing – her name is Bingo. She is about three years old and she is a small terrier cross. She came into New Hope’s care weighing all of 2.8kg, when her idea weight is 6kg.   

For the next two weeks, her loving foster family very carefully began Bingo’s slow re-feeding program, where they were giving her a fraction of her daily caloric needs. They slowly increased it until Bingo was getting 160% of her recommended resting energy intake.

"She is an absolute snuggle bug!"

Bingo needed to be weighed daily to make sure she is gaining weight, which was a difficult task considering just how tiny and frail she was. She also had to be reassessed by the veterinary team.  

The good news is that all of the tests showed that Bingo’s organs were still functioning and she was still in a good shape after everything she has endured – there was hope!

Initially it was unclear whether her muscles had atrophied or she was simply weak due to lack of energy. Bingo had serious problems squatting to go to the bathroom, or even walking.  

Even through all her struggles, the foster family found Bingo to be extremely sweet and an absolute snuggle bug! As she got some of her spunk back she even began policing the other pets at her foster when they got too rowdy!

By the end of the two weeks, Bingo has gained an ounce, which seems small but is a great progress for a tiny pup in her condition. The foster family was given the all-clear to increase Bingo’s diet and began giving her delicious fatty treats.

Thanks to endless support of the rescue volunteers, her foster family and TagsforHope supporters like you Bingo is on her way to a full recovery and will live a long life surrounded by love and cuddles.
