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Wall of Hope
Dec 14, 2023
Made possible by TagsforHope supporters like you.
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Rescue City

"Bubbles' story is like many others we've seen time and time again"

For years Bubbles was used to breed puppies and was, in many ways, deprived of the attention and care that any dog needs. Once she couldn’t breed anymore, she was abandoned at a shelter. 

When she arrived at Rescue City, Bubbles was extremely skinny – she was determined to be 6 years old but was weighing only 20 lbs. She was also suffering from heart worm and pyometra, which means an infected uterus. 

She was lethargic and had poor appetite, as dogs with that condition often do. The vet exam confirmed her potentially fatal condition and the only solution was surgery.


The surgery revealed the extent of the neglect she endured, with her uterus needing to be surgically removed. It was hard to tell how many years Bubbles was used as a breeding dog but the evidence of the neglect she endured was clear.

After her surgery, Bubbles found solace in the warmth of a loving foster home, where her transformation began.!

"Bubbles, with her beautiful soul, deserves a happy ending!"

As Bubbles continued her recovery she was no longer a shut down, hopeless little dog!

Bubbles is low energy and gets along with other dogs, big or small, but she is happiest when they respect her space. Bubbles loves cozying up in her blanket and listening to a relaxing doggy playlist, which is her favorite thing!

She really enjoys her daily strolls through the neighbourhood and – of course – she loves her treats. She shows no destructive behaviour and is very content with her bed, her toys and her wee-wee pads in a crated area when her foster mom is away.

The biggest challenge so far is that Bubbles seems to hold a lot of shame around potty time, forcing her to hold her pee until the very last moment. Sadly, this is just one of the byproducts of the years of abuse.

But her foster mom’s patient training has been helping Bubbles overcome this challenge one day at a time. She would thrive in a home where her new family can continue gently building up her confidence.

Bubbles road to full recovery is still ahead of her. But thanks to the dedicated support of TagsforHope customers like you, Bubbles, with her beautiful soul, has a chance at a beautiful life with a family who loves her unconditionally!
