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Wall of Hope
Oct 26, 2023
Made possible by TagsforHope supporters like you.
Saved by
Across America Boxer Rescue

"Whiskey showed the world the true meaning of resilience..."

Meet Whiskey, a brave and resilient boxer puppy who, until recently, was living as a stray in eastern Kentucky. A devoted volunteer was contacted about Whiskey and, without hesitation, she reached out to Across America Boxer Rescue to see if they can get him relocated to safety and find him a loving foster home. 

The person who originally found Whiskey was keeping an eye on him, while keeping him contained in the backyard, while plans for his transport were being made as the Rescue is nearly four hours away.

But as fate would have it, Whiskey managed to escape onto the road, where he was tragically hit by a car, resulting in a severe fracture of his leg.

This happened over the weekend and the Rescue faced challenges in making the necessary arrangements with the clinic to get him treated right away. It was then that the volunteer decided to take the matter into her own hands and do the long drive on her own, if it meant getting Whiskey to safety. 

Eventually, the doctors were able to meet with the volunteer – on a Sunday too! – and get Whiskey all settled in and taking pain medication for his injuries.

"A spirited young pup"

The following Monday morning, Whiskey received a thorough check-up and x-rays. It was determined that the break in his leg was not ‘clean’ but very complex. He required surgery and even needed a plate put in to repair it fully and allow him to use that leg fully in the long run.

Thankfully, a traveling surgeon was available to complete the surgery just days later! He repaired the leg and, within days, Whiskey surprised everyone by getting up and moving around beautifully!

The good news is that there is no reason to anticipate any future complications with his leg, apart from some possible arthritis arising slightly earlier in life. He doesn’t even have a limp!

Through it all, Whiskey remained a sweet and friendly boy. Despite his pain and danger he experienced, he never once showed any aggression towards anyone at all. He is an amazing boy and is full of nothing but love and kisses for everyone at the clinic ever since his arrival. 

Whiskey is on the road to recovery, enjoying a safe and warm foster home and will be available for adoption soon.
Thanks to the unwavering dedication of TagsforHope customers like you, this spirited young pup can enjoy a full life and a home where he is truly a part of a forever family.
