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Wall of Hope
Jun 13, 2022
Made possible by TagsforHope supporters like you.
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New Hope Dog Rescue

"...they did a lot of work to make sure he was going to be healthy and happy!"

New Hope Dog Rescue was contacted by a frontline rescuer about an injured dog. But the team never anticipated the extent of the injuries this pup sustained.

Thankfully, a foster home was ready to welcome Winston in with open arms and provide him a bit of love and comfort he so desperately needed. 

Almost immediately after his arrival, Winston was admitted to the Western College of Veterinary Medicine to be treated for extensive wounds and bruises. This brave boy went through a series of x-rays to check for any broken bones and an ultrasound for his internal check-up.

But while Winston did not have any fractures or internal injuries, his battle was just beginning. He was extremely beaten up and had wounds throughout his whole body, from the his neck to his back legs. 

He spent two nights at the hospital. The vet had to insert a drain into a wound in his left hid leg, because of how deep it was. Some other wounds required stitching and overall, Winston braved through a whole lot of procedures.

"He is in a loving foster home!"

After his release from the hospital, Winston continued to receive on-going care from one of the vets partnered with New Hope Dog Rescue.

He would need to have his drain removed and the rest of his wounds need to be cleaned and monitored to ensure they heal up neatly. 

Meanwhile, Winston continues to recover in a loving foster home where he can rest and, most importantly, receive the best care and support he craves. He is a loving, gentle boy and he won the hearts of all the staff at the Vet College and his foster family as well! 

th the help of TagsforHope’s grant and thanks to our generous supporters like you, Winston is looking forward to meeting his forever family who will give him the love, care, and attention – and all the treats – that he deserves!
